Jaw & Chin Fillers

Utilising premium Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, we enhance your jawline and chin, providing a sculpted, youthful appearance. Ideal for those looking to refine facial contours or counteract signs of ageing, our expertly administered fillers offer immediate, lasting results.

What Are Dermal Fillers For Jaws And Chins?

Dermal fillers, composed of Hyaluronic acid, are expertly used to sculpt the jawline and enhance the chin, improving facial harmony and reducing signs of ageing. These fillers address sagging jowls, augment chin structure, and can correct facial asymmetries, providing a natural, rejuvenated look.

Do I Need A Filler In My Jaws Or Chin?

For Aging: Dermal fillers can be used to improve the signs of ageing in the lower face around the jaw and chin area which leads to sagging skin and joules.  As the face loses volume with time, the jaw and chin area are also affected giving them a smaller and less prominent appearance.  Dermal fillers can be used to recreate the volume that is lost and give a more slender and youthful appearance.

For Sculpting: Many patients wish to have fillers in their jaw line to add shape to their face.  This is a very simple and effective way to give your face a ‘ chiselled model like’ appearance without any surgery or downtime.

For Facial Proportions: Many people suffer from a small or retruded chin which can reduce one's confidence.  Dermal fillers can be used to improve and balance a patient's facial profile, which can make a significant difference to their appearance and confidence.

What to Expect During Your Jaw & Chin Filler Appointment

Your appointment begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess your aesthetic goals and outline the procedure details, including treatment areas, filler volume, and expected outcomes, along with aftercare and costs. The skin is then cleansed and numbed for comfort, and fillers are precisely injected to enhance the jawline and chin, typically within 15 minutes. Immediate results are visible, and before-and-after photos document your aesthetic progress, ensuring you are well-informed throughout the treatment.


All treatments include an initial consultation and a review appointment after 2 weeks.
Per Syringe
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

The actual procedure takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Your appointment will usually be booked for 30-45 minutes to make sure there is plenty of time to discuss your medical history, aftercare instructions and to ask as many questions as you need.

Does It Hurt?

The treatment is relatively painless to a minimal level of discomfort. Numbing cream is usually applied to the skin 10 minutes prior to placing the filler to reduce any discomfort.

How Long Does The Treatment Last For?

The treatment can last 18 months. The more regularly you have your treatment, the longer it will begin to last.

Is A Review Appointment Included In The Price?

All treatments include a 2 week review appointment to check the progress of your treatment and make sure you are happy with the treatment. Before and after photos are usually taken at this stage to see the progress made.

How Quickly Can I See The Effects Of The Treatment?

The effects of the treatment are immediate. This gives both yourself and Dr Yasmin a great opportunity to make sure you’re perfectly happy with the treatment and its results.

What Are The Most Common Side Effects?

Bruising can be a common side effect of dermal filler treatment. This can be easily covered up with makeup and will usually clear in a week or two.

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